There will be many who will want to date you for your beauty. It will be easy for others to fall for your big eyes, soft skin, and full lips. Your slender neck will draw many to your court.
People will easily fall for your many talents such as your ability to make friends and learn new languages. People will admire you for your education and your travels.
There will also be many who will want to date you for your background, what kind of family do you belong to, and what you do for a job. It will be easy for others to fall for you because of your status in society, your name in the community, and your money in your bank account.
People will look up to you for your professional successes and all your wonderful life achievements. People will want to get close to you for your amazing qualities.
There will be plenty who will admire you for your intelligence and for how witty you really are. It will be easy for many to be drawn to someone who is smart and has a good head on her shoulders.
Many people will want to date you for all the above because everyone wants to be with someone who has all the best traits. It is easy to find someone who will date you for all the good in you.
But you have to date someone who holds space for every part of you, and that is something that is extremely hard to find.
It is rare to find someone who will continue to be by your side when things get hard, who will support you on your darkest days. It will be difficult to make a relationship last when you begin to question if it is meant to be.
It will be difficult to find someone who will maintain their dedication to you after the honeymoon phase starts fading because most people only stick around when it is nice and easy. Most people do not want to put in the work.
It will be challenging for someone to take the time to really get to know you and want to endure being with you after seeing every side of you. Everything you expect for the other person to accept about you, you must be willing to accept the other person as well.
It will take work to remain with someone who will continue to stay by your side despite fights and disagreements instead of taking the easy way out. It will be frustrating to have to swallow your pride for the sake of the relationship, but without that, relationships will just not work.
There will be times when you will just want to end things and walk away and the prospect of starting something new will seem much more appealing—that is when you need to be strong and accept the other person for all of them, the same way you expect them to accept all of you (within reason).
It may seem impossible, but it is worth waiting to date someone who will accept you for who you are, along with all the good and the bad, because the truth is, we all have flaws. The importance of such a person is something that can never be measured because it will be so rare and special.
Date someone who will accept you for all your flaws and beauty, the same way you will accept them.
Only date that person who will hold space for every part of you.